Film & Videoer

Film og video

Her kan du se Film, Foredrag og Videoklip som er relevante for EFT-instituttets psykoterapiuddannelse og vores arbejde med klienter!

Leslie Greenberg Ph.D.

Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology at York University in Toronto, Ontario.

Director of the York University Psychotherapy Research Clinic and is the developer of Emotion Focused Therapy.

Interviews med Professor Leslie Greenberg

About Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), in which he outlines his approach to psychotherapy and his thoughts about other therapeutic approaches and the therapy industry as a whole

Les Greenberg

(Varighed 8:05 min.)

Del I – EFT Evolution

(Varighed 13:45 min.)

Del II – EFT Evolution

(Varighed 10:34 min.)

Dr. Lou

It has been such a pleasure to create a platform for Emotion Focused professionals to share their knowledge and experience with you!

Years before I became an Emotion Focused Therapist and Trainer at the Australian Institute of Emotion Focused Therapy, my job was to produce hours of talk radio content every week and I’ve never lost my passion for communicating ideas to those that want to listen.

If you enjoy this podcast please share freely and look out for more episodes in the making!

Amy Cuddy

Professor of Business Administration in the Negotiation, Organizations & Markets Unit at Harvard Business School.

Kropssprog påvirker, hvordan andre ser os, men det kan også ændre, hvordan vi ser os selv.

Irvin D. Yalom M.D.

Professor emeritus of psychiatry at Stanford University.

Irvin Yalom suggests that symptoms initially presented in therapy often serve to mask deeper, existential fears.

The Art of Psychotherapy

(Varighed 8:05 min.)

Yalom identifies as the four “ultimate concerns of life”—death, freedom, existential isolation, and meaninglessness.

Brené Brown

Research professor at the University of Houston. She is studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame. Her study focusing on shame and empathy, and is now using that work to explore a concept that she calls Wholeheartedness.

Foredrag om Skam og sårbarhed

The power of vulnerability

(Varighed 20:20 min.)

Foredrag om Nytænkning, kreativitet og forandringsprocesser

Listening to shame

(Varighed 20:38 min.)

Susan Hart

Klinisk psykolog og specialist godkendt af Dansk Psykologforening i psykoterapi og børnepsykologi og supervisorgodkendt i børnepsykologi. “Siden 1994, hvor jeg for første gang blev introduceret for den nyeste hjerneforskning, har jeg sat mig ind i de strukturer i hjernen der danner grundlag for vores følelsesliv og personlighed og ladet denne nye viden gå i dialog med udviklingspsykologien, som bl.a. beskrevet af John Bowlby og Daniel Stern. Teorien, som jeg har givet betegnelsen “Neuroaffektiv udviklingspsykologi”, er igennem årene blevet viderebearbejdet og udvikles til stadighed.”

Susan Hart fortæller kort om Tilknytning og Samhørighed.

Om Den følsomme hjerne

(Varighed 02:36 min.)